Monday, December 1, 2014

17. Bands, Balloons, and Protesters

Every year in New York, the Macy's store holds a Thanksgiving parade. However, this year Maslin describes a group of protesters who walked alongside the parade. The author introduces the article with a usual description of the highlights in the parade: the helium filled character balloons, and bands marching down avenues. Maslin also makes a point to include the protesters in this description, explaining how this year there is an uneasy atmosphere in the traditionally happy parade. A fact that most people are aware of these days is that of the grand jury`s action on the police man who shot Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager from Missouri. The crowd of protesters was seen beingchased by policemen, as they attempted to stop the parade and hold signs up in honor of Michael. Although many demonstrators were arrested this gloomy Thanksgiving day, many still refused to leave the parade.
Maslin`s purpose in writing this article was to tell Americans about the effect that the jury`s decision has had on the common American, even in New York City. The language used demonstrates the feeling of the holiday, happiness and pre-Christmas excitement. At the same time, however, the author gives the reader a sense of tension in the air because of the protesters. The language is casual and almost anti-formal, as the author gives details about both the members of the holiday parade as well as interviews of protesters. Overall there are two aproaches that Maslin takes on analyzing this year`s Macy`s parade, the usual festive activities of the holiday event, as well as the new factor of riots and police men chasing protesters because of the incident with Michael Brown. Although the article is merely ten paragraphs long, and quite short, the author fulfills her purpose in explaining the effect that the grand jury`s decision has had, and is yet to have on this year`s usual holiday spirit.

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