Tuesday, January 20, 2015

18. Google is in Talks With Big Automakers to Build Self-Driving Cars

In this article, Will Oremus looks into Google's recent meetings with big auto companies concerning self-driving cars. He explores whether or not it is still a possibility that Google will manufacture its own cars or if it will ally itself to specialized car manufacturers. The latter seems more likely, as Google has previously had help to manufacture the parts for its cars, and has not been very successful with making its own products (such as the Google Glass). Oremus also commented that whoever partners with Google will most likely inspire other companies to rush to get their own self-driving technologies up and running. While this may cause an increased rivalry between big automakers, it also means that Google's project has helped and will help bring tech companies and car companies together.

Will Oremus's article uses a strong logos approach to what he predicts for the future of Google and self-driving car production. While he does use reason and logic to argue his point, the article is largely speculative and opinionative, relying more on possible outcomes than solid evidence and relevant factors that could bring about these outcomes. He also uses the hypophora quite often, asking questions that he himself attemps to give an answer to, but even this can sometimes be much of an opinionative loop, asking a question and providing an answer that is but a rephrasing of the question itself. The reader is left with a feeling of having gotten nowhere after reading the article, leaving with more questions and less answers. If this was Oremus's goal, it was poorly emphasized. Overall, an amusing read, but not very satisfying and only vaguely informative.


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