Saturday, January 31, 2015

19. The Only Thing You Need to Teach Your Children

In this article, Amy Julia Becker talks about her sons. what she learned from them, and what she will teach them. First, she starts off by assuring people that she is not a parenting expert, that she has read only a few books. Then, she talks about her children. She talks about Penny and William and how they often cried and how she had to deal with it. However, she also mentions how she gives in to her children. When they want the iPad or a lollipop, most of the times, she gives in and give it to them. Then, she moves in into the topic. She says that there are many thing she has to teach her kids, but what matters the most is to teach them that they are human beings. She wants to teach them that they are weak, limited, and loved. That even though Becker is not perfect, it is because she is a human. And through this Becker wants to teach her kids that they are also humans that have to apologise when they are wrong and show love. Finally she ends the article by mentioning that not only does she want to teach her kids that they are humans, but they have also taught her that she is a human that is weak, but loved.

Amy Julia Becker is an author that writes many things about kids. In this article, she does a good job explaining what she wants. Surely, there may be many people who don't agree with her, but what she says is true. As human beings we have to learn that we are weak and would lose, but God loves us very much and therefore we will win besides him. Also, Becker catches the readers attention by using personal experience. Those who are parents would understand what she is saying and connect to her. Even if the reader is not a parent, they would connect to the part that they are still humans who are limited and can't do everything.

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