Saturday, January 17, 2015

18. U.S military social media accounts apparently hacked by Islamic State sympathizers

On January 12, 2015, the U.S military social media accounts were hacked by ISIS. Social media accounts such as twitter and youtube. All that ISIS did was posting threatening messages, propaganda videos, and some military documents. They did not do anything thing that was too extreme, all they did was an act of cybervandalism. According to military officials, ISIS did not post classified information, but only military information that were already available. Furthermore, this incident of cybervandalism is not terrifying for the U.S military, but is an embarrassing moment for them. In addition, Peter Singer, a strategist and analyst with the New American Foundation in Washington, reminds us that all this all this is a social media account. It is nothing to worry about because the hackers has only taken control of the megaphone for a few minutes. People should stop freaking out, because the hackers did not do any damage, they only embarrassed the U.S military.
The author of this article, Dan Lamothe, uses many strategies in order to make this article easy to comprehend. For example, he uses short paragraphs in order to demonstrate his ideas faster and easy vocabulary.  Lamonthe does not directly state his opinion about this incident, however, we can assume that he is trying to let the people know that it is not a big deal. The author does not tell us about the possible dangers the hackers could do. He only tells us about the hackers not doing anything. Personally, I agree with both Lamonthe and Peter Singer, " is a feather in their cap in terms of pulling off something that oter groups have not been able to do, no matter how silly it is at the end of the day."

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