Sunday, February 8, 2015

20. Save the Whale, Screw the Shrimp

           The author of this article, Joy Williams, starts already demonstrating an ironic tone. She introduces herself and then starts the article by accusing the reader, in some way, in a ironic matter. She says we all are thinking too much only about ourselves and not the important blessings of Nature we are given. The author has strong feelings towards nature and how we take it for granted these days. She uses plenty of examples to show how people these days do not care that our natural resources are being depleted, they care only of consuming and satisfying their own momentary needs. I found it interesting and kind of sad when she said that pictures of nature do not impress people any more like they used to. Nature is today taken for granted and used to satisfy the momentary needs of people. The author talks about farmers and how they do not regard what they do to nature when they put all those chemicals on their crops just for a bigger profit. She says that these types of behaviours are the behaviors that are effecting the earth negatively more and more. She then mentions shrimp popularity and how there is over- fishing of these animals which usually end up harming other species such as turtles. Another example the author gives is tourism. She argues that tourism is making people think less of preserving the so precious nature to make places more appealing to tourists, resulting in a bigger profit for the tourism companies. The author is not happy with all the disregard nature is suffering with these days. It can be implied that the author is worried about our nature and how much it will last in the coming years. She then makes a point that hit me strong in some way because of it's truth. She says that nature and life in Earth is turning to be all synthesized as humans change everything to be good and comformed to how we want it to be. She also blames big industries that mass produce plastic products for the degradation of our Earth. The author argues that it is their human selfishness that ends up ignoring the harm of the products on nature, thinking only of the profit that is to come. She writes all these examples to touch the reader to do something about this topic. She says this is not only a good thing to do, but the moral right decision to make.
           The author of this article starts since the beginning with an ironic tone that shows her point of view in the first paragraphs. It can be easily implied that the author is determined that the enviromnent is being treated in this matter, like a profit giving thing. She finds this ridiculous and some dark humor can be located to show how strongly she feels about this. She uses personal pronouns a lot to show this is something everyone is a part of and that we all should change. The author is successful in transmitting her message as she clearly states her point of view and gives evidence to make the reader feel bad for disregarding nature. She does not talk in a formal way for the range of readers not to be limitted to scholars only. She believes this is a problem for everyone and so she uses this type of language. The author appeals to emotion for the readers to feel guilty for acting this way. She wants us to think differently and she is successful in doing that in this article.

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