Sunday, February 8, 2015

20. Save the Whales, Screw the Shrimp

In this article, Joy William talks about how the environment has changed, for the worst, these last few years. First, she begins by introducing herself in third person. She talks about some of her other works and colleges that she studied in. Then, she immediately starts to explain his idea. William thinks that people should not be changing the nature into buildings and parks. There are places that are meant to be preserved, and the place would lose all its beauty when changed. However, not only does she think that people should change, but she also believe that it is everyones fault for this change, especially the reader. William uses the word "you" various times and blames us for things happening in the environment. She also talks about how people take things for granted, and how there are many animals dying, but we don't care about them. William uses various examples and evidences to explain her thoughts, and to make sure the readers understand what she is trying to transmit.

Save the Whales, Screw the Shrimp is written mainly to blame the readers and try to make them change. William uses a sarcastic tone and tries to inform, as well as, persuade the readers. The evidences used in the article was clearly researched and throughly thought, however, there are many parts that were confusing. In some paragraphs, I could not understand what Williams was trying to transmit. She talked about things that maybe I didn't know about, and therefore, was lacking information. However, other than the confusing parts, William does a good job talking about her opinion. In the conclusion, she clearly explains what we should do to change our wrongdoings. So, not does she blame us, but she thought about how we can change and help the world more.

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