1. The Christian right’s twisted notion of religious freedom
In this article Amanda Marcotte states how religious freedom is a fundamental value, and how it is being deprived in the United States of America. This freedom only occurs in a secular government, that does not interfere with religion. Religion becomes individual. Marcotte believes that this idea of religious freedom has given Christians the idea that they can impose their conservative faith in the society. She imposes that conservative Christians believe the only way they will have religious freedom, is if they are given power to imply their ideals. According to a report from the People For the American Way, conservatives believe this is due to the fact that they have been persecuted in the past. Marcotte recalls that it is improbable in a country where Christianity is the main religion and the majority, for them to fear persecution or discrimination. One example she gives is creationism being taught in a classroom of a public school. This is, according to Marcotte, a violation of the First Amendment. It is imposing a specific religious teaching. Christians believe that teaching evolutionary theory to the students is also violating that amendment since it goes against what they believe. The only difference is that evolution is not a religion, it is science. This idea of religious persecution, makes Christians believe it is good to fight back. Another example would be that the Becket Fund is defending the Green family (Hobby Lobby) that want to impose their employees of using contraception, with their own insurance benefits. Marcotte thinks those conservative Christians, believe other religions are not worthy enough of protection like them. Jody Hice (Republican candidate for a U.S. House seat from Georegia) is only one of many public figures that stand up for this absurd idea.
Amanda Marcotte informes both facts and her opinion in this informative article. At the same time she uses argumentations to prove her view. Since she uses various evidences, like other articles and public figures, the article becomes persuasive and convincing. She gives many examples of how conservative Christians are imposing their religion on the American society. At points she uses direct quotations to refer to her work cited. While using other articles and works along with hers, she justifies her position in a more truthful manner. This complex argument makes an easy belief for the reader. It is not solemnly based on her personal ideas, but rather on factual context.
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