Tuesday, July 29, 2014

2. "AP Classes Are a Scam"

     AP courses are considered essential for a good high school record; however, is it really necessary? AP class, or Advanced Placement Program, is offered by College Board with the purpose of offering college-level courses and exams to high-school students. This way, students have a chance to experience the rigorous academic experience they would encounter in college as well as an opportunity to earn college credits. Yet, are the courses really equivalent to the rigorous level of college courses? Given such a short period of time, AP courses cover material too quickly and superficially leaving no time for high-schoolers to find some path of mutual interest. Consequently, this can lead to a destitute of intellectual curiosity. College Board claims they are a "non-profit" organization that operates like a big business, however charges each AP exam $89 for milllions of  sudents around the world. Instead of spending several hundred dollars on exams that might have no substantial usage, it could be considered more effective to concentrate on one or two things and excel at them.
     John Tierney's main purpose for this article was primarily to offer an opinion and personal thought on a subject. The author uses first person language and clearly states his stand on the effectiveness of AP courses. He uses good personal examples as well as facts giving his argument a very strong stand. Various times he uses rhetorical questions which keeps the reader intrigued and thoughtful throught the article. The article itself is not long nor is it too short which gives it a very good lenght to read. The author was very effective in trying to argue for his opinion on AP courses. Throughout the article, he also uses bullet points stating his examples which was very effective. Also, the fact that he himself taught AP courses to high-school as well as taught regular courses in college gave the article a substantial credibility. Overall, the author was very straight-forward using good arguments and examples to support his claim.


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