Sunday, July 27, 2014

1. New Find Hints at More Feathered Dinosaurs

In this article, Sindya Bhanoo talks about the recent discovery of a new dinosaur species. What makes this dinosaur special, is that they have feathers. The author starts off by talking about the group in which the dinosaur belongs to. She tells us that the dinosaur belonged to a group of herbivorous, also known as ornithischia. Then she compares this feathered dinosaur with another feathered dinosaur discovered in 1996. The one discovered in 1996 is also a feathered dinosaur, however, these feathered ones were theropods, which basically it meant that they were carnivorous. Then, the author talks about the separation of theropods and ornithischians  that happened 220 million years ago, and how this could mean that feathers probably existed in the common ancestors of both lineages. And how all descendants of this common ancestor has a possibility of having feathers.

The author does a good job grabbing my attention. The author starts off by talking about the idea without an introduction. This article has more of an informative tone, the author only gives us information and does not tell us any stories. I think the way the author wrote this article is effective because she didn't keep it long and boring, but she kept it short and straight to the point. The author does not give us about her opinion and what she thinks about this new discovery, however, because she wrote an article about it, i would guess she is somewhat interested in this topic. The author finishes the article with a little humor, instead of making this article boring the author ended with a humorous quote by Dr. Godefroit.

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