Tuesday, July 29, 2014

2. A Calgary fertility clinic tried to tamp down “rainbow” families

Until very recently a fertility clinic required clients to choose donors from the same ethnicity. Catherine a client to the clinic was told that she could only choose white donors,”That’s when everything went downhill. I was absolutely floored." days Catherine at a later interview. According to the website of the clinic clients could only choose donors of similar ethnicity to limit differences in between the future child and parent(s).  When asked about this issue the clinics spokes man said the website was outdated and undergoing construction and the clinic had already treated patients who wanted ethnically different donors. To which the article`s author Mary Williams writes "All hail the Regional Fertility Program, unafraid of miscegenation since 2013! A whole year ago! And booooo to those irresponsible media reports that directly quoted our own doctors and promotional materials!" The clinic held that a child should be in touch with its ethnic roots and therefore a parent of the same ethnicity is logical. Even so the clinic goes on to say that this debate will go on for some time and the fact that they clanged there policy goes to show how culturally diverse the clinic is. Mary then concluded that it all boils down to who the person wants to have a baby with? To with Mary writes "And that’s a question usually best determined not by race, but the heart and the mind."

The entire article has an outrage tone against the clinic. This can be seen when Mary mock the clinics answer to the website error. The author also has a critical tone. By confronting the Clinic to its decisions and pointing out there view.  And finally Mary entices the reader to better judge clinics as well as allows for people to chose. Since a family can be as colorful as people wish it to be.  

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