Sunday, October 19, 2014

13. "Safety Check" Is a Great Example of How Facebook Can Make Itself Useful

Recent studies shows that Facebook is no longer "cool". Almost half of all teenage Facebook users has quit Facebook for no particular reason. What can Facebook developers make in order to make Facebook become more successful? Well, a new feature called the "Safety Check" is being developed. This new feature started when the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan in 2011. Since then, developers are making a feature that asks the Facebook users if they are OK. When a natural disaster hits somewhere near you, this feature activates itself in order to make sure you are OK. By checking that you are OK, it informs your friends that you are alright and that there's no need to worry. Also, the author tells us about a possible solution to internet-connectivity. He tells us that many company's such as Google are developing drones and flying objects that beams down free WiFi.

The author of this article, Will Oremus, writes this article in order to inform us about a possible Facebook feature in the future. He uses an informative tone, meaning that there is no emotions during the article. Although it is an informative article, this article is very interesting and kept my attention till the end. He tells us a short story about him and his wife worried about his friend when hurricane sandy hit there homes. By telling us a story, it is very effective because it demonstrates us the benefit of having the new Facebook feature. Overall, this article is interesting and informative, and i would recommend reading it if you're bored.

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