Sunday, October 26, 2014

14. Marijuana advocates’ secret weapon

In 2012 Colorado legalized marijuana, this step gave marijuana advocates a new kind of ammunition; that of comparing marijuana to alcohol. This claim prompted a duel challenge in between South Portland Police Chief Edward Googins and David Boyer an official in the Marijuana Policy Project. The idea of the duel is as follows; for every shot of alcohol Googins would take, Boyer would take a toke of marijuana, the public would see which one of the two better in condition at the end. The marijuana-alcohol duel was not the first and will not be the last, for campaigners everywhere are now basing their whole message on comparing the two substances. And since Colorado has a stadium with a liquor brand name and a governor brews beer, the comparison proved effective. In the long run this totally changed the drug debate from bad-or-good argument to a better-than-alcohol one. President Obama even said; “I don’t think (marijuana) is more dangerous than alcohol.”
The article by David Sirota exposes in a serious tone the transition of perspective on the drug debate. Demonstrating with quotes of debates how the arguments have shifted to a comparison with a legal alcohol. Showing the reader of the online magazine how marijuana advocates now have in their arsenal a powerful weapon. Which can be summed up as; “If alcohol is legal why is cannabis not if it safer than alcohol?” and “Everyone recognizes that alcohol prohibition was a huge failure,” Tvert says. “Our point is that marijuana prohibition has been just as big of a disaster.” This new perspective that marijuana advocates are getting across has the power, as Sirota showed with Colorado, can tip the scale in cannabis` favor.

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