Monday, October 13, 2014

12. Ebola in Dallas, Texas

The author begins this article by explaining the situation of Ebola in Dallas, Texas. Fernandez states the point of view that Thomas Frieden, the director of health, has given about the problem. This introduction gives the reader a feel for what topic is going to be expressed throughout the article. The thesis can be found in the second paragraph; stating the case of a nurse who has been confirmed to have the Ebola virus. This nurse is the first American to become infected with the deadly disease. The author proceeds to explain that Ms. Pham, the nurse, got the virus from Mr. Duncan who arrived at the hospital a month ago. Mr. Duncan died last wednesday, and since then, his relatives and assistants have been treated for the disease. Other doctors have been shocked to hear however, that the nurses that cared for Mr. Duncan have not yet been treated. Fernandez closes the article by assuring the reader that hospitals are preparing procedures and safety gear for future Ebola cases.

The author has an informative tone. The purpose of the article was to give the details about the Ebola case in Dallas. The author is successful in explaining this problem, by giving evidence that proves the very tragic reality of Ebola in Texas. The main examples are quotes from Doctors, acquaintances, and even the president. These examples support the author's claim by proving that the nurses and family will be tested for the disease.The images also give additional force to the effectiveness of the article. They show the gravity of the problem by portraying danger and death. This article was effective in fulfilling the author's purpose; to inform the reader of the problem, and explain what is being done about it.

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