Sunday, October 26, 2014

14. The Dangers of Eating Late at Night

Who would've thought eating late at night would be bad for your health? Jamie A. Koufman, a physician in New York and also the author of this article, tells us the effects of eating late at night. She tells about acid reflux, that is an epidemic affecting 40% of the Americans. Acid reflux symptoms may include, hoarseness, chronic throat, difficulty swallowing or clearing asthma, and even esophageal cancer. The answer to these developments is poor diet, over eating fatty foods, and dinnertime. Koufman tells us about a patient she had. This patient owned a restaurant and usually came home at 11 pm and ate his dinner. He started to develop weird symptoms such as hoarseness, chronic coughing, and heartburn. Koufman told him to start eating his dinner earlier and having a better diet. Some months later, the same patient comes back healthy thanking Koufman. Koufman concludes by suggesting us to have a better diet and eating our dinner sooner in order to avoid weird symptoms.

Koufman's objective in writing this article was to tell the readers about the unknown. Many people did not think eating late at night would be such a scary thing. She wrote a smooth informative article. She does a good job in narrating the story and giving her personal examples. Overall, her article has been enjoyable to read and at the same time, educational.

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