Sunday, October 26, 2014

14. “Men’s Rights” Group Tries To Lure Visitors Away From Anti–Domestic Violence Website

This article is about a community of anti-feminist people or ''male activists'' tried to undermine the White Ribbon Campaign, a Canadian anti-domestic violence organization. Paul Elam, leader of this group, set up a copycat website with intention to send people searching for the White Ribbon Campaign to a different website. They created a website called the (the real one is and has a similar layout to the real one. These 'male activists' hope to divert attention and funds from the real White Ribbon Campaign. This fake website contains various articles claiming that female violence against men is just as bad than male violence against women (which is completely untrue) and even describes domestic violence as mutual behavior and as a form of roleplay to build sexual tension. The White Ribbon campaign gave this group a long, classy answer claiming that they will not " be engaging with this group in a public screaming match."
The author of this article, Amanda Marcotte, successfully uses this article to show the world how this specific group of 'male activists' were being disrespectful and inconsiderate of the White Ribbon Campaign. She included many quotes, both from the White Ribbon people and the 'male activists', which shows that her information is valid. This article uses a more complex vocabulary and some 'mean' words, indicating that the intended audience is of older, more mature age. Marcotte was able to tell this sad story and give her opinion as to why this was ridiculous.

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