Sunday, November 2, 2014

15. Neighborhood Halloweens

Halloween has become a very popular holiday in the United States. So much so, that neighbors are many times found competing to see who has the biggest decorations or most expensive candy to hand out. In this article, the author explains that although richer and bigger neighborhoods may have better decorations and candy, trick-or-grating in you own neighborhood is a much better experience. Hinds firmly believes that by investing in making your own neighborhood festive for the holiday, there is more opportunity for bonding with neighbors. While he does not completely contradict the matter of going out of the neighborhood for trick-or-grating, the conclusion shows the final implication that doing it in your own neighborhood produces better outcomes.
This essay has a very personal atmosphere, as if the author's audience were his neighbors themselves. The essay is based mainly on personal experience on Hinds's part, and he does not give any evidence other than his own halloween history. The thesis statement can be found in the third paragraph, where the author uses his own experience to prove his point. The essay's writing writing is well-developed and organized. Hinds used a persuasive and personal tone throughout the article. Overall, the author did a good job of proving that doing halloween in you own neighborhood is better than doing it elsewhere.

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