Saturday, November 1, 2014

15. What Made the U.S. So Powerful?

This article answers the question "what made the U.S. so powerful." According to Balaji Viswanathan, a product manager at a venture funded startup who shared his response to the question, believes the U.S. thrives because of its geography, people, and leadership. The U.S. is the fourth largest country in the world and has the third largest population. The its vastness enables it to explore multiple resources throughout the land. The country is also isolated; it is guarded by two oceans on either side, and a frigid and harmless nation on top. Lastly, the nation is fairly self-sufficient in all fundamental resources. It has plenty of gas, oil, water, and agricultural land; the must-haves for every nation to thrive. When it comes to people, the author states how the location has helped the country "cherry-pick" the immigrants. Only the ambitious ones, those who face the challenge of travelling across oceans to start new lives, live in the country (apart from Mexicans). The education is also a top priority, and the country has is naturally entrepreneurial. Lastly, the nation was lucky to have the right leaders at the right time. These men brought stability to the government and made clinical decisions that lead the nation to what it is today.
Balaji Viswanathan, author of this article, shared his main reasons why the U.S. is such a powerful nation. The article has no introduction, only a sentence explaining where it came from. He immediately gives his "three-by-three" take on the U.S. and also gives no conclusion at the very end. He divides his answer into three general subjects: geography, people, and leadership. He expands them by adding subdivisions to help answer the question. He presents logical and smart evidences which the audience would surely agree with and keeps them brief not to get anyone bored. He also gives one or two example in each subsection to show comparisons to the audience and prove his point. Overall, he presents very good and convincing information, and makes great comparisons as well. Those who read the essay will more than likely agree with his points and may even learn a thing or two about why the U.S. thrives like no other country

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