Sunday, November 9, 2014

16. The "Mommy" Problem

This article describes the pains and expectations that are included in the life of moms today. The author, a single mom herself, speaks down upon the classification put on all mothers, who are now expected to give absolutely all of their time to their children and homes. By giving her own experiences as an example. Havrilesky explains how society has shifted from respecting the women who raise the next generations, to downgrading them to a label and expecting more than is possible from their capabilities. The author calls this the "Mommy bow", which is put on all the activities done by female parents especially. Harileski seems to speak for all mothers in America, who seem to feel overly exhausted and burdened by society. The author concludes article by stating that by watching out so carefully for children's rights, mothers have given away their own rights. Harileski finally encourages mothers not to listen to what society says about motherhood, but do it the right way; raise children and keep the home while still having a life of their own.

The author's thesis can be located in the third paragraph, where she states how motherhood is now viewed as a lifestyle and no longer as a relationship. The total purpose of the essay is to show a mom's perspective on the changing expectations for mothers. Also, the author contrasts a mother's lifestyle today with one's fifty years ago. This serves to show how much expectations are becoming higher and more impossible for mothers. The audience is mainly directed to mothers, as the article is written to encourage and persuade mothers to ignore today's society. Overall the author uses great speech, and her own experiences as evidence to prove the thesis. The informative article is well structured, and served its overall purpose.

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