Sunday, November 9, 2014

16. Man eating nothing but Olive Garden speaks out: “I have not had one meal that was not just perfect”

 Different from the other articles I have read and analyzed, this one was rather humorous and entertaining to read. The article is about a man who has eaten in the famous American chain-restaurant called "Olive Garden" twice a day for the past 6 weeks. While people might find this weird and extraordinary, the reason behind this man's act is that he purchased something that Olive Garden calls a "Never Ending Pasta Passes", where a person can eat anything for seven weeks by paying $100 for the pass. Though many think that nobody would be insane enough to accept the challenge, a man called Alan Martin was capable enough to accept the challenge, which led him to dine there over 100 times in the past six weeks. Shortly after this small introduction of Olive Garden's challenge and the man who accepted it, the author inserts a light interview/conversation he had with the very own Alan Martin. The interview is very light and quick, and also covers information such as the menu Martin picks and the total cost of all the Olive Garden he ate during the challenge.
  Joanna Rothkopf did a good job giving readers an introduction saying what Olive Garden was and what the unlimited pass was all about. She also added a small background about the man she interviewed, giving readers idea what kind of man he is. Right after the introduction, Rothkopf inserts a Q&A section, bolding the questions she asked and then righting Martin's answers. The way she organized her sets of questions made it easy for readers to notice the flow of the questions. The humor and funny snippets also made it fun to read. The length of the article itself was not long at all, which probably pleased readers. The author successfully transmitted her message to the readers, and by interviewing the man, it was a reliable article.

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