Sunday, November 9, 2014

16. God’s Grace Through the Pain of Pregnancy

In this article, Marlena Graves talks about pregnancy. She introduces her article by talking about women who are unable to bear children, or infertile. She talks about how she became infertile before bearing her second daughter and how painful it was. However, after a year and a half, she gets pregnant again. The news of her being pregnant made her cry for hours of happiness, but also of worry because she had a medical condition called hyperemesis gravid arum. This condition made people nauseas and vomit so severely that women could get post traumatic stress. She connects this story with Kate Middleton, and explains how she had to stay in the hospital because of her condition. Graves also talks about how she felt sorry because she would not be able to help her family with the new baby for 10 months because of her condition. She talks about, since she had moved to a new neighbourhood, no one knew her condition and did not help her. She reminds herself of how, as a new child grows, she herself is dying. That many women are not able to survive because they live in poverty and are not able to afford things. That when she is pregnant, she likes to think that she is a saint that is giving birth to a child. However, that is not true, Graves gets stress, frustrated, and angry, but God is the one helping her in these cases. Soon enough, the neighbourhood starts the hear the story about Grave's condition and helps her and her family. Through all this, Grave is able to see how God helps his people. That there are many women who don't have what it needs to raise a children suffer. Therefore, she says, "Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy" for those who are not privileged.

Marlena Graves does a good job stating her opinion. Though, sometimes I think she went stray from her topic. Graves starts from her introduction by giving the background. Then she talks about her experience, how she suffered because of her new neighbourhood, but soon got accustomed to it. Her topic seems to talk about how God provides people to help others and how she is sad by the fact that there are many women who are not privileged and suffer from that fact. In my opinion, I think Graves' main topic is that she can understand the pain of pregnant women, but there are many cases in which she is not able to help. However, by talking about her story, she starts to get astray and the article ends up with two topic. The beginning and the end were about the main topic, but the body had many parts about some extra topic.

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