Sunday, November 9, 2014

#16 "The Life of a Pot Critic: Clean, With Citrus Notes"

           Jake Browne is a pot critic for The Denver Post. He has written 27 reviews so far. Many people may ask what a pot critic does. Mr. Browne explains how a pot critic is just like a food critic or a wine taster: they review the quality of the product. Marijuana was been legalized in Colorado since this January, and Browne has been writing reviews on types of pot for the paper. In his review, Browne evaluates the state of the product, the smell and taste, and the quality. He writes about even the most intricate details such as what it sounds like when it burns or if he can taste the fertilizing chemicals on it or not. However, the most important aspect that he covers, which no over food critic or wine critic does, is the feeling that it gives. In his reviews, he explains the effects of its highness. Although this job is relatively new and quite a bit quirky, Browne states that he enjoys his job. He has had other jobs in the past, but he is very satisfied with his current job. In the article, he says, “I feel lucky to be this person in the middle of a historical moment, and I don’t think we’ll see anything really comparable to it. And, you know I like pot; I think it’s a fun topic. Somebody has to cover it. So why can’t I be that guy?”

             The article basically covers the story of Jake Browne and his job as a pot critic. Jessica Bennett, the author, informs the reader about Browne’s background and all aspects of his job. Her language is light and informative. Because this is an informative article, Bennett focuses on the chronology and structure of her article, strategically introducing the topic and then connecting it with the beginning of the whole story about the job. Her writing is easy to understand and overall, her article has a very positive tone.

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