Sunday, August 3, 2014

3. A Single Mother Prepares for War

This article is about a women called Desma and Helen Thorpe tries to show how she was a strong women. Desma had two daughters, Alexis and Paige, and an elder son, Josh. Desma was part of the military and she had a year to prepare, so that her sons wouldn't be shocked. When she was told the news of her deployment, she had made all the preparations needed. Alexis and Paige were going to live with their grandmother, and Josh would live with his father. When Desma went to war, she noticed that the men were not happy that women would also fight with them. She was left out in everything and the leader of the military groups were told to avoid all her, along with all the other womens. There was also a time where she had to take her weapon qualification test, but she was told that she had failed it. Surprised, because she had never failed to qualify, she tried the qualification test three more times, but failed all of them. Finally, she figured out that the men were lying to her. She looked at the qualification results, that told her that she had passed her test all four times she tried. At the same time, Desma's mom died, and Alexis and Paige suffered their first loss; right when Desma was about to leave to Iraq. With the test results printed in her hand to show people.

By reading this article, I am not sure what Helen Thorpe wants to talk about. She mainly talks about Desma leaving to war and the quotes she leaves on the side of the article, as well as the title, are all about how brave Desma is. However, in my opinion, adding the parts where Desma had to leave her family and her son getting mad at her doesn't convince me as much as I would have been if she had not added those parts. On the other hand, I also think that because of those parts Helen Thorpe was able to tell how Desma had problems and how she was as a women and as a mother. I would not say that this article is great, but it is definitely inspiring.

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