Sunday, August 3, 2014

#3 A Single Mother Prepares for War

      This article is about a single mother that had to overcome lots of difficulties with family and in the army when she was going to be deployed to war. The single mother, Desma, had to deal with her 3 children and had to find a place for them. She goes through a lot because she was going to be deployed, it narrates a story of this mother that suffers for being a women in the army in her all-male regiments.  The male soldiers did not even talk to her because she was a woman. "She was being shunned"  and nobody stayed with her in her time in the training session. Even though the people did not want her there she still did her best. The author explains how Desma was not approved after shooting tests in this place while she was approved four times in a row in the other training places. She noticed with all that that it would not be easy to go to Iraq and be with the men there. She had to be ready and prove herself to them.
     The author, Helen Thorpe, is a jounalist based in Denver. She narrates the story of this particular single mom to represent all the other single moms that are deployed to war. Desma had to worry about her children alone and then face the fact that men did not want her there just because she was a woman. The author makes a good point just by showing the reality of single mothers going to war by giving a "live" real example. Even though we do not hear the author's direct voice in this article, the objective was still achieved like this.

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