Sunday, August 24, 2014

6. Breakfast Downgraded From 'Most Important Meal of the Day' to 'Meal'

Breakfast has always been known to be the most important meal of the day, however, in this article, many researchers strongly disagrees. The author gives us many reasons why breakfast isn't the most important but just an normal meal of the day. One reason the author gives is the research Emiily Dhurandhar did. She examined 300 people who ate and skipped breakfast. She noticed that there were no subsequent difference in their weight gained or loss, in which she concluded breakfast is a normal meal of the day. Another example the author gives is the research of the persons health of who eat breakfast and who didn't. The research from the University of Bath concluded that breakfast skippers' cholesterol levels, resting metabolic rates, and overall blood-sugar levels remained unchanged. The author also tells us a famous belief, that skipping breakfast can cause to end up eating more through out the day. Studies show that the belief is very poorly researched and has no strong scientific evidence in order to prove the belief. 

I believe the author of this article, James Hamblin, wants to prove that breakfast isn't the most important meal of the day. By looking at the first sentences of the article, the author says "In the bitterly divided world of breakfast habits, otherwise reasonable people become evangelists. Why is it acceptable to make people feel guilty about not eating breakfast, but it is not acceptable to slap those people? "  Hamblin clearly shows us his side of the debate, and through out the article the author does a great job in giving us evidences to support his belief.  His tone in this article is very formal. By reading his article, it seems like he is talking directly to us. Because of he clearly states his opinion and gives us an comprehensible arguments, Hamblin's article is very successful.

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