Sunday, August 31, 2014

7. The Real Benefits of Spanish-Immersion Elementary School

In this article, Bronwyn Lea talks about the good aspects of knowing more languages. She motivated her daughter to go to a spanish school, although it is hard because her daughter doesn't understand anything the teachers are saying. However, she mentions a phrase she always tells her daughter to keep her encouraged: "I know it is hard, but I love you and will help you, and I believe you can do hard things." Lea sends her daughter not for the motive of teaching her to read, write, arithmetic, or even learning other languages. Lea sends her daughter so that her daughter can understand the feelings of foreigner coming to a foreign country. She wants her daughter to have mercy and help those who need help. Lea has suffered because she is an english speaking African woman that went to United States. However, when she got to U.S. she had to sign many immigrants paper, was suspected, and had her driving license rejected. Lea wants her daughter to have mercy and help the people who went through the same difficulties as her.

Bronwyn Lea is a mother that wants her daughter to help people in the future. I think she does a good job persuading people because she gives specific examples. She talks about the reason why she wants to send her daughter to spanish school. She gives example of her own difficulties too. However, I don't agree with the fact that helping someone or to have mercy on someone one needs to go to a double language school. In my opinion, knowing more than one language does have their good parts. However, the advantages are not the ones Lea talked about. Surely, Lea has her own opinion and she must have suffered a lot with the problems of being an immigrant. Knowing many languages can help foreigners and that is true. Lea wants her daughter to grow up into a girl that can help others despite not being born from the same country.

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