Monday, September 22, 2014

10. NASA Craft in Mars’s Orbit, to Study Its Air

NASA`s latest spacecraft, Maven has started orbiting Mars, at 10:25 pm Sept 21, 2014. The purpose of the most recent gadget is to record data on Mars` outer atmosphere. But for now it will be used to observe a comet that is to fly by mars on Oct 19. Investigators want to observe the effect of the heat and ices from the comet have on Mars` atmosphere. Investigators are using this time and place and aircraft to study Mars with the theory that it once had significant level of CO2 and was warm enough to have water. Mainly the aircraft`s data will be used to determine how and at what rate the Martian atmosphere is deteriorating. Soon however India’s own probe MOM will join Maven and the other 2 probes.

The tone of the author in the article is objective and impersonal. Kenneth Chang does not give his opinion in the article. He simply states the facts about the probe; its purpose, history, and upcoming inquiries. As well a an unbiased background of the Mars space program that involves other probes and a few rovers. As can be seen by the following: "After a 33-minute engine firing, mission controllers received acknowledgment at about 10:25 p.m. Eastern time that Maven was in orbit around Mars.", "Maven is not the only new visitor to Mars. India’s Mars Orbiter Mission, or MOM, is to swing into orbit on Tuesday night Eastern time.", and etc.

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