Sunday, September 14, 2014

9. Stop putting viral kids on talk shows!

The famous "Ellen Show" introduced kids that went viral on the web to the talk show. After bringing Sophia Grace and Rosie, famous for appearing in Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass" song, they also brought Noah Ritter. Recently, he appeared on a local news broadcast and used the word "apparently" several times which made him go viral. While they were on the couch, it seemed as if they were coached to keep their energy level up. While the two girls sang Minaj's song, composed of mainly R-rated words, they received numerous remarks from the audience that considered them "cute." The author, however, disagrees and goes on to warn all talk hosts; "It’s time to stop trotting out pint-size viral sensations for the benefit of your viewership, straining to wring from them every last drop of stardom." Talks shows shouldn't be places for kids; they try to self-consciously be entertaining yet end up being annoying. If adult celebrities, who are typically used to attention, become annoying when given some time to talk about themselves, why should kids be put under the spotlight? Once a flight to a Hollywood is involved, the temperature for these kids change and the outcome is not always the best (in the author's opinion). 
Daniel D'Addario, author of this article, expresses his thoughts on viral kids staring in talk shows. He is effective in conveying his point of view to the audience and isn't trying to get anyone to agree with him. His word choice shows his indignation with the recent events and is straight forward throughout the writing. In case the readers have no clue who he is talking about, he adds two videos showing the kids during their visits to the "Ellen Show." The videos portray exactly what the author is trying to say since the kids act annoyingly trying to get attention. Lastly, the author somewhat attacks the appearance of these kids on talk shows and urges them to stop such madness.

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