Sunday, September 14, 2014

9. What Have We Learned From Titanfall, Watch Dogs, and Destiny?

Paul Tassi, an author who focuses on technology and video games, analyzes the reasons behind the low reviews on three games this year; Destiny, Watch Dogs, and Titanfall. He begins with the specifics of Destiny, with its 6 out of 10 reviews and disappointment both from fans and critics. Destiny proves to be a repetitive, somewhat empty game. The game lacks content, and feels very redundant throughout most of its storyline. According to Tassi,  advetisement of the game played a key role in this. Being promised a game that reinvents the shooter-MMO genre, the hype that built up to its release ended up being anticlimactic, with what the author calls a "serviceable" game at best. Broadening the scope to the other 2 games (Titanfall and Watch Dogs), Paul Tassi explains that the games were all lacking in memorable characters, providing only bland, generic personas or nameless soldier characters. In the end, Tassi comes to the conclusion that "it just [didn't] seem like what was promised."

Tassi has commendably persuaded his audience in his piece, making effective use of each of the 3 appeals of rhetoric. By using accurate and specific ratings and statistics, the appeal to reason was addressed. He also makes use of quotes from people such as Erik Kain, checking off the credibility appeal as well. Finally, by incorporating his own ideas, experiences, and memories into his argument, he is able to connect to the reader and appeal to their emotions. His exemplary argumentation strategies do not end there, however. A particularly effective strategy is the addressing and disbanding of counterarguments. When referring to media involvement and beta testing, he elegantly resolves any weaknesses in his statements. Other devices used throughout the article include the hypophora, which also serves as a viable transition. The structure of his article, going from a specific to a broad topic, was useful for keeping the reader's attention, and his tenacious ability to weave personal opinion with factual news made for a solid, intelligent read.

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