Sunday, September 28, 2014

11. More Discrimination Against the Sick

John C. Goodman, in his article, talks about the discrimination, and the unfair treatment by heathcare companies, of "the sick." He explains that, since insurance companies make a profit from healthy patients, but not from truly sick and needy ones, they often trick people who need desperate treatment, like cancer or HIV patients, into paying mire than they promised and getting less priviledges. He gives several examples of lawsuits that have been filed against various insurance companies for various different reasons which can be summed up in tricking patients into paying costs astronomically higher than they were initiall promised. Even large, well-known companies such as Cigna and Blue Shield. At the end of the article, Goodman notes that these cases are practically part of the system by now, and these intolerable practices have been around for over 20 years already.

The author's objectiveness in this article was very well-used and was definitely appropriate for the topic. He cited many different specific medical cases as evidence to support his initial claim, which made his argument practically unbreakable. He used transitions well throughout the piece, and balanced very well the use of quotes with his own words. The conclusion to his article, however, was not very well-written, as the article seems to simply cut off at one point, leaving the reader expecting there to be more. In his article he analyzes a problem, but he offers no solution or any kind of insight at the end of it. Overall, Goodman's arguments were solid and his persuasion was effective and well-worded, providing objective information while at the same time proving a point.

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