Sunday, September 28, 2014

11. Coming Out at Work

 In his article, Jordan Weissmann talks about the transparency of salaries from different workplaces. He explains that many companies choose to leave their salaries a secret, scared that it will affect both the workers and the applicants. In fact, about 60% of private-sector workers have  However, Weissmann tells a brief account about a certain company called Buffer that enforces and willingly exposes the salary income of its workers to the public. The company would not only expose the income, but they would also post details of each worker's position, seniority, and local cost of living. By doing so, they would get feedbacks from both people within the company and outside on how they could change certain things to make the company bettter. After having published all these details to the public, Buffer has reported that they have had more job applicants than any other time. On the other hand, another company known as SumAll have had problems within their community when they first tried to put the salaries out online. One of their workers furiously quit after having seen that she was making much less than her colleagues. Though they faced these problems, the company's CEO has decided to keep posting the salaries online in order to make life easier for him and his workers.
 Weissmann's message is clearly and successfully transmitted through this article. He makes sure to use details that show both the pros and cons of his main topic- which would be "the transparency of salaries from different workplaces." He supports his pros and cons by using two accounts from two different companies: Buffer and SumAll. However, his article lacks good tranistions. It gets a little confusing when he transitions from talking about Buffer to SumAll. The change is so sudden and abrupt that it takes a little while for the reader to understand that the author has changed subjects. The length of the article is not too long nor too short, and his topic was well-developed and supported with good evidences. Overall, it was a good informative article.

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