Sunday, September 28, 2014

#11 "Fox News column takes on campus sexual assault — and pretty much gets things right"

           Fox News does not have the best reputation on addressing the issue of campus sexual assault. Many of the times, the news has agreed and concluded that the blame for the rape incidents was on the women. However, recently a contributor from Fox News, Gregg Jarrett, has said the opposite. On his recent column, he explains how it is not the victim’s fault, but rather the rapist and the college. He points out how the college is wrong on how they do not give much attention to these rape cases and consider it unimportant. Jarrett firmly believes that it is not the women’s fault nor is it a case to be overlooked; he rather explicitly states how sexual assault is a crime and police have to investigate it just like they would investigate a normal crime.

           Jenny Kutner, author of this article, completely agrees with Gregg Jarrett. She supports Jarrett’s points of view and explains how she agrees with him. To support her thoughts, she uses Jarrett’s article. Her attitude towards this subject is strong and protective: she agrees on how rape in colleges should be taken more seriously and not “slut shamed”. Her language is good, simple, and concise, making her point clear to all readers. Overall, the article was written to express her agreement and her thought on the topic of rape in colleges and its aftermath.

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