Monday, September 8, 2014

8. The problem with Selfies

In this essay, the author states how the exposure of one's selfie online can be harmful to one's self. Stone states that posting pictures, also known as "selfies" are now a form of approval of the images of self. As a christian writer, Stone encourages her fellow christians not to go overboard with this publication of self exaltation. The author asks the question, "Are we crowdsourcing approval and affirmation?" She poses the idea that selfies are another way of seeking for acceptance and fulfillment, but in the wrong place completely.  Stone closes her article with an encouragement to Christians to primarily find their approval from their Creator, rather than from the social media. This essay is short, but gets straight to the point; maybe selfies can be harmful, in a way. The author uses organized points, and sticks to the thesis about selfies. 

This article is very well written, and Stone used evidence from different sources to prove the problem with this kind of self-promotion online. The subject is meant to be thought-provoking, and is directed towards the audience of late-teens to adulthood. Stone is aware of the current popularity of the "selfie", and is merely questioning the importance of this form of photography. The author also uses her own experience to describe the guilt she felt when photographing herself. One aspect in which the author did not do a good job, was in answering her questions about the true harmfulness of the selfie. The conclusion is a bit abrupt; Stone was probably only meaning to make her readers think about the idea and challenge them to find satisfaction from God rather than society. Overall it is a good article, full of evidence and support for the main question on selfies.

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