Monday, September 8, 2014

8. Why boys love Jane Austen

The first time that article writer, Jonathan McLoon, read Jane Austen was to impress a girl when he was 16 years old; taking pride in the fact that he was the only boy in New Castle to have read one of her novels. While in college however, Jonathan discovered that all boys like Jane Austen, much to his surprise.  And upon re-reading Mansfield Park, Jonathan has come up with an answer as to why boys love Jane Austin. Jane Austen is funny and good as well as both rich and economical.  She can put a lot into a lot of word and still seem succinct. For one Jane`s dominance of irony is unparallel. She practically makes a fool out of her characters. As well as demonstrates threw her characters the truest definition of irony. Example: in Mansfield Park Henry tries to win Fanny Price`s heart to mess with her yet ends up falling in love with her. After all; “Before Austen, fiction had been about action; ruminations were for poetry and philosophy.” 

            To get his point across, Jonathan uses experience. How he read Jane Austen and enjoyed it and later how he read Mansfield Park and discovered why boys love Jane Austen. This provides the essence of the article, his own interpretation of the facts. To back them up, Jonathan references Mansfield Park directly, by the use of quotes from the book. To top it all off, Jonathan even talks about how the works of W.G. Sebald, Ben Lerner, Karl Ove Knausgard, Teju Cole and Geoff Dyer can be defined as; “It’s all boys talking about themselves, locked in their heads, and they learned it from Jane Austen. 

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